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Author Visits

I am scheduling lively, interactive virtual and in-person visits for the 2024-2025 academic year!

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Science is Pure Poetry: The ART of Science

In each presentation I share fascinating science and nature stories through the rich imagery, rhyme, rhythm and wordplay of poetry. In my seamless integration of science, language arts, music, and visual arts I engage learners with a wide variety learning styles and can center any of my book topics of particular interest. 


Here are key science poetry topics I'll cover:


  • Nature-journaling

  • many kinds of research

  • poetry writing process

  • revision

  • ecology and environmental stewardship

Best for grades 2-6: Approximately 50 minutes, including interactive screen share presentation with student participation, and Q & A.


For grades prek-1: Approximately 25 minutes of active science and nature poetry singing, sharing and listening with student participation. 

ruby-throated hummingbird sipping nectar from a flower.
dragonfly sitting on a stump

Visits with Leslie Bulion

  • Visit Fee: $450 per session, maximum 3 sessions per day. Travel fees apply if >1.5hr drive.

  • School/contracting venue will HOST virtual visit/provide AV projection for in-person visit.

  • Adult moderator to participate throughout virtual sessions and manage Q&A.

  • Once we've discussed particulars I will email a contract/invoice. I will book our virtual visit date when I receive our signed contract via email.

  • I schedule a limited number of free, 15-minute virtual Q&A visits one day each month for students reading my books. 

  • To schedule a visit, please complete ALL fields in the request form provided.

look forward to hearing from you!


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© 2016 by Leslie Bulion                                                    

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